My Blog

February 27th, 2025

Hey! Sorry for not updating yesterday, I was really tired. I'm still really tired, and probably gonna go straight to bed after this update. I got a 78 on that test I retook, which isn't the best but it still brought my grade up so that's a plus. We had to write an essay for my English class, and it was a pretty easy topic so I think I did good on that. There was musical theater rehearsal today, which brought my mood up. Okay, that's all for today. I really appreciate you for just being here. Thank you for your time. You're great, I love you.

February 25th, 2025

Hi again! I had a really busy day today too. I retook a test for one of my classes, so hopefully that went well because my grade plummeted while I was out sick! I have a quiz this week on Friday in my English class, so I need to start studying for that ASAP. My body has been really achy, and so has my head, but that's been happening a lot lately. I know it's nothing serious but I tend to worry haha! Well, that's all I really have to say today. Hope you're doing good today, thank you for reading this. I love you.

February 24th, 2025

Wow! Okay, I had a bit of a busy day today. Went to school after not being there all last week because of the flu and I did miss a lot unfortunately....but that's okay because I was able to make up both a test and a quiz. After I finished school, I went and saw my therapist. I haven't seen him in almost a year, and I needed to speak to him! I had a nice little catch-up with my therapist. We talked about me going off to college this year and all that kind of stuff. I get to see him again in three weeks. Tomorrow I have theater rehearsal, yay! We're doing Grease this year and I'm super excited. I get to play the role of Miss Lynch. Anyways, how are you today? I hope you're doing okay. Thank you for taking your time to read this. Love you :) !

February 23rd, 2025

I have done nothing all day!!!!!!! Except watch tv and lay in bed, if that counts as something. I'm feeling less "blah" than I did yesterday, which is good! I don't really have much to talk about today. I am still a bit tired, but that's just that. How are you doing? Hope you've done more than I have, and if you haven't that's okay! Take it all one step at a time. Hope you're well, love you!!

February 22nd, 2025

My first entry! Woohoo! I've been very sick lately, and making this new site really boosted up my mood. I am really proud with how it turned out. It's the best site that I've made so far. I've been spending my day tinkering with my Neocities and watching MLP, which sounds pretty unproductive haha but I am really tired. My head does ache but that's the flu running it's course I suppose. Anyways, I hope that you're doing well :) love you!